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Finding Top-Notch Dental Care in Grande Prairie

Finding top-notch dental care, Grande Prairie Dentist

Have you bitten into a gumdrop and felt a sharp pain in your tooth? There is a possibility that you have inflamed gums due to untreated gingivitis, gum disease, or something more serious. There are many conditions that can result from your diet, smoking, drinking, genetics, and other habits as well as not keeping up with regular oral hygiene care. The longer you wait to determine why your teeth and/or gum tissues are hurting, the more serious your problem could become.

At Access Dental, we hope you and your children are feeling well this winter season and thinking about scheduling dental appointments to protect your teeth. We offer comprehensive treatments for everyone in your family!

Scheduling Dental Appointments During Winter Break

Many patients will postpone seeing their dentist when they suspect there is a serious problem in their mouth. It’s important to seek early intervention and to change your daily habits, so your dentist’s suggested treatment plan will have time to work. Not every problem is as serious as you may think. Some problems will also be corrected by your friendly dentist with little or no pain and minimal expense. Without a professional evaluation, it’s hard to assess your problem or provide relief to your aching teeth and gums. Each procedure we use at Access Dental is intended to improve your oral health and help you feel more relaxed about smiling. Seeking regular dental treatment and obtaining additional procedures when suggested by your dentist will benefit the entire family. Also, your kids will take cues from you when they see you brushing and flossing at least twice per day.

Please accept our wishes for a safe and happy holiday season. Contact us at our dental office in Grande Prairie today to see when the next appointment is available and how much it will cost using your insurance plan.

New Patients Always Welcome

Looking for a dentist in Grande Prairie? We're happily accepting new patients at our dental clinic! Contact us to get started today. 

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